What can make me feel good when I am so disappointed?

by Andrea
(RLLoA moderator)

Lord knows it is hard to shift your focus to feel good (or even feel better) when something disappointing or frustrating has happened. That is why I am writing this "How To shift your focus of attention and feel better" story, because that is what I am dealing with right now in my own life!

I do not need to go into the details of what happened for me, because I don't want to give those negative emotions and unwanted feelings/experiences any more attention and fuel. In the Law of Attraction, the only real priority is to feel better, to find some relief, and to start focusing on what you DO want.

And, to do that, the MOST important step is to STOP talking about the problem!

So, what to do instead? How do you shift your attention onto what you can appreciate? This is how I do it:

Go through the following list of questions, and for each one, HONESTLY ask yourself: "Would I trade this ability/aspect of my life in order to have had the disappointing situation work out differently?" Now, really think about it as you go through the list. ...Not that a "trade" is possible, but would you REALLY rather have had the situation you are currently disappointed about work out "your way" if it meant giving up any of THESE things?

  • Are you breathing? Is your heart beating? Are you alive?

  • What about your eyes, would you give up the ability to see?

  • Do you have ears, do you value your ability to sense vibration and hear?

  • How about your sense of taste or smell, would you trade those?

  • Is your brain functioning? Do you have the ability to think and perceive?

  • Do you have skin? Do you have nerve endings and the ability to feel things that touch your body?

  • What about the ability to feel emotions? (Sure, maybe you feel sad right this minute, but would you rather not ever have the ability to feel anything at all?)

  • How about hands? Do your hands work? Do you like to use them? Do you wish you didn't have them?

  • Do you use your legs and feet? Do you stand, walk, run? Or, even if you have a physical disability, do the various parts of your body contribute to your balance, or your ability to get around? Do you like to be able to get around?

  • Have you considered your internal organs - do you have the ability to eat food and digest it, to fuel your body and sustain life? (And possibly even enjoy the experience of eating something delicious while you are at it?)

  • What about muscles and bones and the ability to move at all? What does that feel like? Are you glad that you can experience that?

This exercise may sound trite, but it could really go on, and on, and on, and it shows that there is really so much more to be grateful and appreciative for than there is to be disappointed about. And yes, lot's and lot's of people have all of these things, but the point is are YOU glad you do? When you really get in to thinking about it, not a lot matters if you don't have the basics of living life...

Would you trade any of these things for ANY amount of money?

Would you give up ANY of these abilities to have some particular person in your life?

Would you be willing to never again do some of these things in order to change the outcome of one situation?

YOU are a magnificent and miraculous being! YOU are special, you are unique, you are a perfect and precious work of human art. And you have free will. So, it is up to you to be disciplined enough to change how you are focusing your attention and take your mind OFF of what you think you don't have, or feel you don't have enough of, or what you wish you had instead!

I know it's hard to do sometimes, that is why this list has such fundamental aspects of living life as it's criteria. All it takes is to deliberately put your mind, thoughts, attention, and words toward thinking and talking about what you DO appreciate about LIVING your life as it is now, and you can get back into the place of appreciation and love from which all good things flow.

It is the energy of appreciation and love that fuels the Law of Attraction to match you up with your desires, and the ONLY real trick of life is learning how to be able to get yourself into alignment with it (no matter what else is going on around you!)

Blessings to YOU!!!

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Jul 25, 2011
a handy, helpful tool
by: Earl west

Thank you so much... As this is a great reminder of the... oh so many things most of us take for granted. The message in this post is of such benefit to keep mindful of. Very much appreciated. Thanks!

Jul 28, 2011
Thank you - it IS good to be alive, isn't it?
by: Andrea, RLLoA moderator

Thanks Earl! I am so wonderfully happy that you found value in this post.

I was slightly concerned that it might be a little too much "in your face" when I first wrote it, but then, wrote it anyway because it is the exact series of thoughts I had gone through myself to feel better earlier that day. So, if I am actually "taking my own advice" and doing the processes I suggest and write about, and finding relief for myself, then why not share that???

Thank you for adding your appreciative comments - the fact that you took the time to write and provide feedback is the perfect encouragement for me! Thank you!


Jul 31, 2011
Count Your Blessings
by: AnonymousConnie


What a good exercise for all of us.

I have always sat down and thought of how much I have. Less to be sure than many, but also much more than many.

In the end if given a choice I am mostly happy to keep my own problems rather than deal with my neighbors problems. She struggles with a wheel chair.

Aug 10, 2011
What a nice Reminder...
by: Andrea, RLLoA moderator

Hi Connie,

You make such a perfect point to remember these ideas in a day-to-day way - to look at one's neighbor, no matter what their challenges are, and decide, consciously, that you would rather be living YOUR life, is SO powerful!

Thank you for writing Connie, and pointing out how easy it is to access more self-empowered thinking. I am so grateful to be joining you on this glorious journey!


P.S. Apologies that it took me a few days too long to respond to your wonderful comment - your contribution is deeply appreciated all the same!

P.P.S. I also apologize that I do not have the ability to change the name associated with the comments, so I cannot take out the "Anonymous" part in front of your name. It is protection to ensure that webmasters are not able to manipulate visitors' comments or ratings.

Jan 03, 2012
by: positive smile

this is a great advice :) thank you .. it helped me .. i was really disappointed because of my grades .. i dont know why but i grew up like this already .. thank you so much .. i know everything has a purpose .. :))) i'll try to look at the positive side of every negative sides :) thank you so much

Jul 21, 2013
wonderful reminder
by: Neeraja

Thank you very much for this post.
It really helped me to come out of the disappointment i am currently feeling.
Great sharing.

Feb 15, 2014
by: UB

This article really helped me to accept the things they meant to be and reminded me everything happens for purpose. I am feeling better :)

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