The Law of Attraction and Love: Change relationship to be more than friends?

by Jane
(Kent, England)

Question: I would like to know please, if when using the Law of Attraction in bringing love into your life. Can you choose a person you already know? Change the relationship from what it is to a loving relationship??

Real Life LoA Answer: This is an interesting question, because the answer is both yes, and no, and yes.

On one hand, the Law of Attraction is always about pure love, all the time, for everyone -- from the standpoint that everything IS love, that God is love, that all people are love, that energy is love, then the only difference between any relationship at all is not the presence or absence of love, it is just what aspects are being focused upon in the person, or the realtionship.

But, I think I do know what you mean to be asking in the question as well, which, if I am understanding it, is: Can you transform a "friend" relationship with someone you already know into a "romantic love" relationship using the Law of Attraction. And that is where the yes and no part of the answer comes in.

You can always choose to deliberately focus exclusively on a persons' best qualities, stream loving feelings toward him/her, see that person in a beautiful light, think good thoughts about them, and want for them only what would make them most happy (as you would for anyone you love unconditionally), and that will cause YOU to feel very loving. However, if you are expecting them to return the same feelings, or to react in any particular way back toward you, that (empty) hope will often cancel out much of the love you'd generated.

When you are feeling purely loving toward anything, without expecting something in return, and are just in joy yourself because of how you are focused on the feelings of love that YOU are flowing OUT, then you are in perfect alignment with your soul (your Inner Being.) That is when the Law of Attraction is most efficient in magnetizing more and more similarly loving and joyful situations and people into your experience. Those are the times when the essence of all of your desires are flowing easily toward you.

But, if part of your goal is to get the other person to notice you differently, to like you in a more romantic way, or to be more than friends, the resulting feelings YOU might be experiencing while thinking of the person could be frustration, anger, irritation, anxiety, etc., and those are at the complete opposite end of the emotional spectrum from love. Those feelings are the harbingers of resistance, meaning they are NOT attractive in the Law of Attraction sense, and are therefore pushing your desires further away from your experience.

Now, if you do start deliberately flowing loving feelings and focusing on the best qualities of this person you are interested in, it might turn out that she/he will suddenly perk up and take notice when you do, and if so, that's great! But, it could also turn out that, buoyed by the loving feelings surrounding him/her, that another person who is really exciting to them will enter their life.

Another thing that could happen is that YOU will attract someone new, someone who is really more perfect for you and more in alignment with the values and priorities of your heart, because YOU are more attractive when you are flowing loving feelings.

In short, it may not turn out that the current object of your affection will ever return those same feelings your way, but regardless, you will ALWAYS benefit through deliberating flowing loving feelings toward the people and things around you!

Love is ALWAYS attractive. When you are being loving, ALL of your desired experiences are more likely to show up in your life, and usually in even bigger and better ways that you can even imagine, so you cannot go wrong. Even if the person you are most interested in right now doesn't turn out to be the one for you, it only means that there is someone even better out there for you! (...and by "even better" I mean someone YOU like even MORE!)

So, you can choose any one you want to flow loving feelings toward. That person will not necessarily return those feelings, but you will always benefit, because you will be be far more attractive in the Law of Attraction sense, and even better experiences and situations for your own joy will seek you out.

Thank you for writing and asking such a valuable question for all the readers! Love and Blessings on your beautiful journey of love.

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Apr 07, 2012
Be Love
by: Linda Luke

After a 2 year Master's Program in Spiritual Psychology I realized that is what it all boils down to. Love is who we really are (look at babies. Stuff happens and we forget. When we return to love our higher energy will attract what is meant for us. Thanks for this thought provoking post.

Apr 08, 2012
Thanks Linda, I needed that!
by: Andrea, RLLoA moderator

Thank you Linda, for taking a moment to write and comment on this post. Your affirmation and acknowledgment in the power of love, as well as reminding me of how pertinent the message in this advice is, is exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you for the reassurance of a kindred soul, for me to know that we can, and do, make a difference, by focusing on love and making a special point to share it openly with one another. Thank you!

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