Should I say my Law of Attraction and manifestation desires out loud?

by Sacha

Question: I would like to know if the processes that are being used to use the law of attraction works differently for everyone? For instance, when I think of something such as finding a prime parking spot and I don't speak the words, the parking spot will manifest itself. I thought the same thing for my bike helmet. So should I continue practicing saying what I want in my thoughts, release the thought and not say anything out loud? Thanks.

Real Life LoA Answer: Hi Sacha, you are asking a great question! 

For me, personally, I advise people to keep their wishes, dreams, and desires very quiet for the most part, and not to say it aloud or talk about them with many people (if any).  There are three main reasons why I encourage people to "play their cards close to the vest" when it comes to the Law of Attraction and manifestations, or any new desire that is just coming into being:

  1. God, the Law of Attraction, and the Universe already know what you want, and what your heart is envisioning the moment you think it, and even before that, so there is no need to say it out loud - especially if YOU are clear about what you want and WHY you want to enjoy it.

  2. Unless your words are spoken with complete and utter certainty that the manifestation is real NOW, even before you can see it or touch it, (and it is impossible to lie to yourself about that,) speaking the words aloud will only dissipate the energy.  You can speak the desire to gain more clarity about it, but once you know exactly what it is, you can just start focusing on something else fun, and let the Universe get busy doing its job.  (Rather than "listening" for more instructions.)

  3. New dreams, desires and manifestations are very fragile - like tender seedlings.  Unfortunately, unless the people around you are trained in manifestation principles and believe in you 100%, most people will accidentally or inadvertently step on your dreams and desires without even knowing they are doing it. 

    When they do not understand "how" it can happen, or if they don't think they could do it themselves, or if they don't think it is possible at all, their energy and negative expectation can be toxic to your manifestations.  When people ask you "how are you going to do that???" or bring up possible obstacles, doubt can build in your mind, and doubt is what keeps visions from manifesting quickly.

The Law of Attraction always works the same for everybody, but different people all have different  beliefs, expectations, and levels of resistance or doubt, so that will make it seem like some people manifest quickly and easily, while others do not. 

That is also why it seems easy to manifest some things, like parking spots, small favors, and trinkets or everyday items, but sometimes doesn't seem so easy to manifest bigger and more important desires - because there is more resistance and less confident belief.

The Law of Attraction is always working the same for everybody and everything, it's just that it can ONLY produce evidence and manifestations that reflect what one truly believes is probable (or secretly fears is not possible.)

I hope this answers your wonderful, and very important, question.  This is something that a great many people are curious about, so I am glad that you wrote in to ask!  If it sparks any additional questions, or if any of it needs any further clarification, please add your thoughts to the discussion by clicking the "Click here to post comments" link below. 

Thank you and be well - blessings to you!

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Oct 07, 2011
In agreement!
by: Evelyn T. Woodson

I'm grateful to everyone who provides agreeable information here that encourages me personally. As I'm sure, it is so with most of the people involved, The information regarding speaking the things we want, was a question I had. My personal consultation of my higher self, advised me to write what I want to unfold and confirm it in the present, Speak those things you desire and you shall have them. But it reminded me that stillness speaks, and is less likely to be resisted.

So I wrote an epic dream that unfolded this morning depicting graphic scenes that I will enjoy with my son who has had Brain Surgery and we have not seen each other since June 2010, I also want to come home so I can take part in upcoming Elections and other events that is unfolding. There was scenes in the epic that required adjustments, The answer to the question regarding Affirmations being verbalized agreed with the advice I received and accept from higher self. I send love to all, and gratitude for our connection.

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