Marital Affair, part 3: What Do I Do Now?
by M
(Philadelphia, PA)
Question: What has lead me to have a marital affair, and what is the best way to create a situation to remove myself from it without hurting anyone in the process?
Real Life LoA Answer: This was such a HUGE question, that I had to answer it in 3 parts. Page 1 covers a general, Abraham Hicks / Law of Attraction approach to the subject of a marital affair. Page 2 addresses the "what led me to having a marital affair" part of the question, and page 3 (this page) covers the "what to do about it" part of the question. There are links to the first two parts at the bottom.
So, what to do when you are already involved in a marital affair situation? ...The gist is to get yourself into the vortex (feelings of peace, love, contentment) and then you'll be better able to hear your own true Inner wisdom.
Firstly, stop focusing on the problem and berating yourself for the circumstances! ...I know that is easier said than done, I know, but the ultimate goal is always to get back to aligning yourself with the truth of who you REALLY are (the Source Energy version of you,) and feelings of peace and love.
When you are aligned with your own vortex; compassionately aligned with what you love, with what is working well in your life, and you are connecting yourself with any feelings of contentment you can find, things have a way of working themselves out. (And you are also inspired to solutions you couldn't possibly have imagined before!)
* Soothe yourself. Without giving in to urges that defeat you, find a way to comfort yourself back into a place of emotional neutrality. Take a walk in nature, look up at the sky and know that God/The Universe has it all under control, and it will ALL be OK. Listen to some beautiful music, spend time engaged in a hobby you enjoy, read inspirational literature – do something that brings you a sense of peace to ease any anxiety you may be feeling.
* Remember, this too shall pass. Nothing is so bad that it will not pass, and there is very little that you must think about right this red-hot minute. So, if it doesn't bring you joy and contentment to think about it, talk about it, read about, or do something about it, then don't. At least not right now.
* As best you can, keep yourself neutral, and focus on anything good in your life that you can. Making a habit of doing this will help you to not feel distress about your current reality.
* Find general thoughts that feel good. Remind yourself that "things always work out for me", "Everything always turns out well in the end", "it is a cooperative Universe, and the Law of Attraction is always working in my favor", "the dreams I have for myself are God's dreams FOR me", etc.
* Meditate. If you have access to the "Getting Into The Vortex" guided audio meditations by Esther and Jerry Hicks, they are excellent! Or use any method; a regular practice of meditation can quickly bring you back to your own center (which is where all the real solutions reside!)
* Focus on the ONE thing in your life that is working, and do everything you can to revel in it as much as possible. Sooner or later, more and more things will start to be working.
* Distract yourself when worrisome, angry, lonely, or troublesome thoughts come up. Again, without giving in to any urges that are not in accordance with what you really want to cultivate for your future. The goal here is to not give any kind of attention to anything that you don't want MORE of in your life. When you catch yourself lost in upsetting thoughts, immediately ask yourself what you DO want more of in your life, and start thinking about that!
* Spend time deliberately concentrating on things you enjoy and love in your environment – do your best to keep yourself more purely in vibrational alignment with thoughts of love...
Getting into the vortex yourself is where all the answers are. As my friend Julie reminds me: The true definition of soul mate is mating with your soul, which means to get into alignment with the vortex version of you, first and foremost.

Now, let go of focusing on what you DON'T want, and focus more on what you DO want – practice thinking about what you love and WANT to be experiencing, and not on the problems. Because...
The state of any relationship with another person is irrelevant to who YOU really are.
The relationship between you and
your own Inner Being is the ONLY thing that IS truly relevant or important to what you are meant to be creating here on this Earth. It's not about your actions, or how they effect other people, it's about your connection with your own energy output.
You cannot be focusing on someone else's pain (or potential pain) AND be focusing on your own alignment with the vortex version of yourself at the same time!
...And, it is ONLY by focusing on your own vortex, and what you really want that you can be moving toward and in energetic alignment with your expansion – and
THAT is the only true way to joy (and avoiding much of the pain of life.) In terms of the Law of Attraction, the only way you are ever guided to the right action for yourself is when you are calm, peaceful, content, and centered in yourself. This is what it is to be in the vortex – to feel love, joy, interest, fascination, or even just a quiet confidence. That is when the best actions, ideas, and solutions are inspired from within.

There is no other person who can accurately advise you about the best course of action for you. Only you can do that, and you can only do it well when you are in the vortex yourself. Other people may give you ideas, or help you to clear resistance or energy blocks, but you are the only person who emanates your vibrations, so you are the one attracting your experiences, and you are the only one who can attract the new reality you seek.
Start by identifying what you DO want to be experiencing, and then look to create the FEELING you want to have even before the conditions change. What would it FEEL like if you were already experiencing your life the way you wish it were? Use the power of your mind in order to envision that it is working out in a way that pleases everyone – by first convincing yourself that it CAN work out in a way that is for the highest good for all involved.
Then, when you keep aligned with THAT vision, the Law of Attraction will coordinate, such that the steps along the way will be joyful for you, and things can move easily. You have no pain in the interim before your bigger desires develop.
What will happen is that either your current relationship will clearly morph itself into the relationship you have put into your own vortex, or another one that is equal, or even better, will come to you.
When you know that the Universe IS working on it for you, you can remain calm, happy, and at peace while waiting for it. When you are so committed to the knowledge that ALL is Well, that you are divine, that your dreams ARE working out for you, and
that all the people in your life benefit by YOU being in alignment with your own joy, then you are able to keep up with your own expansion and have the Law of Attraction take care of everything gracefully on your behalf! ...The Universe will open all the doors necessary for whatever is most in vibrational alignment, or matching, to who you really are and what you really want.

Every relationship you ever have is an integral part in the creation of who you really are, and the clarification of your fondest dreams for yourself. Your life is supposed to fun, joyful, creative, fulfilling, satisfying, exciting, and expansive – if that is not what you were experiencing before the situation occurred, it is only natural that the Universe was going to do whatever it could to inspire you to live up to your own version of that life (one way or the other!)
The purpose of your life is for
YOU to become the best version of you that you can possibly be – and that is
NOT by society's standards, it is by the standards of your own Inner Being and your own full expansion as a divine Source Energy being!
I sincerely hope that you have been able to find some solace and peace for yourself in this answer. You are a divine and magnificent soul, and from the perspective of Source Energy, nothing you can ever do would ever make you any less than the glorious, lovable, precious, tender, sweet, worthy, brilliant, glorious and splendid being that you are – nothing! There are no mistakes in this life, only expansion and opportunities for movement toward your vortex to enjoy that expansion.
Love and Blessings to you (and all who read this!)
Link to part 1: Marital Affair, the Law of Attraction Perspective
Link to part 2: Marital Affair, How Did I Get Here?