Greatest Manifestation Principle in the World
by Leilani
I love this book, Greatest Manifestation Principle in the World by Carnelian Sage, because it discusses the most important missing principle that are missing in all other Law of Attraction books.
I have allowed and manifested easily just by using the principle in this small book. I am in Love with my life ever since I found this book. Highly recommended!
Thanks, Leilani
Editor's Note: This review may have been submitted by an agent of the author, or directly by the publisher, which is a small self-publisher of only four unrelated titles. As such, the book itself, most likely, has not been vetted by professional editors, nor is there any way of ascertaining the expertise of the author.
I cannot find the book within the library system, and many online reviews I have read are very critical of the book's limited content. From what I can gather, the "big missing secret" written about in the book is the power of love, which, as you know, is not new, nor is it a secret.