Gaining Self Confidence by Changing Limiting Beliefs

Gaining self confidence may be the single most beneficial thing a person can do to improve their success with the Law of Attraction.

The reason is because the Law of Attraction responds to what you offer vibrationally, on an energetic level.  And the way you feel about yourself is the most prominent, and constant , energetic signal you exude.  Not only that, but there is no way to "sugar coat it" or lie to the Law of Attraction -- however you really feel about yourself, your feelings of worthiness and deserving, your true level of self-esteem and self-appreciation, is what dictates how the Law of Attraction responds to you.

If you don't feel good about yourself, if you think that you're not good enough, are unworthy, or or are not important, those beliefs are holding you back.  If you believe that you are not capable, that you can't do anything right, or that you are a failure, those beliefs are holding you back.  If you feel you never get what you want, or are afraid that you may make a fool of yourself if you try something new, because you believe that mistakes and failures are bad, you're holding yourself back.

Those worries will color what you believe you're worthy of, what you feel you deserve, what you are capable of attracting, and will limit the good you can manifest for yourself.

Building Confidence and Self Esteem

Gaining self confidence and building self-esteem will drastically improve what you are capable of manifesting, by removing the limiting beliefs that subconsciously (and unconsciously) hold you back.

There are a number of ways that you can start to go about changing core beliefs and gain self confidence, some of which are:

  • Working with a licensed and qualified psycho-therapist
  • Turning off the TV and Social Media, and tuning-out the influences designed to make us all feel bad about ourselves
  • Developing a skill or talent and becoming an expert in your field
  • Making a practice of identifying and focusing on your own positive aspects every morning upon waking, and evening before sleep
  • Changing your limiting beliefs

Of these, the easiest, the fastest, and the one with the most lasting results, in my own experience, is changing limiting beliefs using the Lefkoe Method.

The Lefkoe Method for Changing Core Beliefs

The Lefkoe Method for gaining self confidence is a self-guided video program called "Natural Self-Confidence".  It works by walking you through memories from when you were a very small child and when the limiting beliefs were first formed.  The videos, which you can do at your own pace, then give you an easy step-by-step process for literally changing those early core beliefs in a way that sticks with you permanently and instantly (for the most part) changes your perception of the past.  Not only that, but it changes your attitude about yourself (your self-esteem) and thus changes everything about your future for the better.

The full program, with unlimited access is offered for $200, but for me, it was the BEST $200 I ever spent!  You can get more information about the program here:  Gaining Self Confidence Video Program (link will open in a new window)  

You can also try using the Lefkoe Method for changing one limiting belief absolutely FREE, with no strings attached:  Free opportunity to try the program and change one limiting belief (link will open in a new window)

Universal Laws of Attraction for Real Life!

My Own Story of Gaining Self Confidence

I used the Lefkoe Method for gaining self confidence and to change a number of limiting beliefs I had been unconsciously walking around with for my whole life.  These limiting beliefs were based on assumptions I made about myself (due to other peoples' reactions to me) when I was a child.  

In the process of changing core beliefs that were negative about myself, such as "I'm not good enough", I discovered that I had a long, long, long list of reasons "WHY" I truly believed that I wasn't good enough:

  • Mom was depressed, mopey and sad - not because of me, but I couldn't fix it
  • Mom would send me to my room and make me be alone
  • Mom would yell and use my middle name (which I hated then)
  • Ken and the other cousins couldn't play and interact with me because my mom was so vehemently over-protective, that she wouldn't let them near me or even play in any way that involved contact - this subconsciously made me feel like something was not good enough about me
  • Dad would harumph around the house, smoke, drink, be grumpy, withhold love, give the silent treatment and begrudgingly 'do it himself' if we didn't do what he wanted
  • Dad would yell and get really mad if we went into the living room
  • I was shy, and afraid of people, but sometimes people around me (neighbors, parents, relatives, teachers, friends, brother, etc.) would seem exasperated if I didn't want to do something
  • Other kids didn't go out of their way to play with me
  • People always were surprised when they found out my age, thinking I was much older (because I was so very tall), which gave ME the impression there was something wrong with me
  • I had to have lots of painful bone age testing and other testing to see if it was simply being tall that caused me to grow so fast (which my friends didn't need to get, and felt very abnormal)
  • Mom would get very frustrated with me when I didn't want to shower or go to bed on time
  • Mom was absent a lot and I felt as though I was not good enough to be home for
  • People would often treat me as older, even though my sensitivity and feelings, my emotional level, was still very young
  • I didn't get to be a cheerleader in high school
  • I'm a lousy skier, and terrible at many sports
  • My brother got extra help because he had learning challenges, but mom told me I didn't need the help (what I heard was that I "didn't need attention")
  • Mom would yell at us and spank us if we went into the street or did something else really bad
  • Neighbors parents would yell
  • Cindy's dad was always making fun of her and saying nasty things to her (and called me stretch, which embarrassed me) and I felt empathy for her
  • My dad was always depressed and grumpy and I couldn't fix that either.
  • Mom wouldn't let me enroll in the gifted classes
  • Mom would get mad, yell, punish me if I ate the wrong foods

That is a lot of baggage to be carrying around one's whole life, don't you think?  

But, sadly, we ALL have dozens of limiting beliefs based on assumptions like this about ourselves.  They are formed by erroneous impressions we take away from the reactions we receive from the people around us when we are young, even when those impressions are TOTALLY WRONG!  And, gaining self confidence is impossible when there are competing erroneous beliefs blocking your access to self-esteem!

But, through the Lefkoe Method, I was able to come up with some new possibilities which explained all of those old incorrect impressions I had made about myself, and changed the limiting belief I had that "I wasn't good enough."  At the exact same time as I was changing my core limiting beliefs, I was gaining self confidence!

Here are the new possibilities I came up with that "explained" why the limiting belief of "I'm not good enough" was wrong:

  • Mom and Dad both had low-self-esteem, and therefore couldn't impart or give to me what they did not feel themselves (about themselves)  -- they did not have high self esteem and high self confidence, so there was no way they could have shown or taught me how to have it myself.
  • When they did react poorly to me it is because they didn't know how to do any differently, they were scared, or just plain wrong
  • They didn't know how to effectively communicate, but they didn't EVER truly think that I wasn't good enough
  • Mom and dad both had mental instabilities that had NOTHING to do with me
  • Mom was over-protective and TOLD other people not to touch/play with me, it's not that there was something wrong with me
  • I didn't get to be a cheerleader because I never tried out to be a cheerleader, and the truth is that was because being on the cheerleading squad involved things I didn't want to do, like cartwheels and acrobatics.  It wasn't that I wasn't good enough, it was because I didn't want to do the things that they had to do (I hated cartwheels, tumbling, hand-stands, and being lifted into the air), and I made a deliberate choice not to try out
  • I was bad at many sports because I didn't enjoy playing sports, so I didn't practice.  Anything that I did choose to practice at, like swimming, I was very good at, so it's not that I wasn't good enough, it's that I had free will and made deliberate choices about how I spent my time (and I chose to spend my time doing things I liked to do!)

These are MUCH more empowering beliefs for gaining self confidence!

The full program, with unlimited access is offered for $200, but for me, it was the BEST $200 I ever spent!  You can get more information about the program here:  Gaining Self Confidence Video Program (link will open in a new window)  

You can also try using the Lefkoe Method for changing one limiting belief absolutely FREE, with no strings attached:  Free opportunity to try the program and change one limiting belief (link will open in a new window)

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Universal Laws of Attraction for Real Life!

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