Beyond Psychology - The Potential of Conscious Thinking
by Sue
I would like to add "Beyond Psychology - The Potential of Conscious Thinking" by Nona Coxhead to this list of books. It was published in 1991 and I think, unfortunately, is now out of print (but copies can be obtained thru Amazon). For me, it was the first book I had read on LoA (or Law of Manifestation) that led me ultimately to a feeling of conviction that I could align myself with the Power.
The first part of the book gives a brief rundown on the history and advances of psychology in understanding the mind and then goes forward to the importance of conscious directed thinking to enable you to have some say in your destiny and the importance of realizing that we are connected to Creative Intelligence. But, as far as I'm concerned, this book was a relief to me as it didn't make me feel as though everything depended on me being successful at maintaining visualization, meditation, etc.
There was a way to set the law in motion simply by KNOWING that you could decree a thing be so and, if you did it with ABSOLUTE conviction (and thereby consciously aligned with the Power/Law), and for the good of all, so it would be. Of course, you must also believe you deserve what you are decreeing.
There seem to be seemingly different approaches to activate the LoA, but I include this intelligent well-written book for anyone who might find this approach more helpful than others.